Jeremy Walker

An Introduction to the OAR and BEL Models of Ontological Coaching

The OAR (Observer, Action, Results) and BEL (Body, Emotions, Language) models provide a simple way to understand how ontological coaching works. I share these models with new clients to set a foundation for how we will approach the work that is required to achieve breakthrough results. The results we get in life are based on the actions we take. When we aren’t getting the results we want, we learn to try a different action. Much of the time, this can

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Jeremy Walker

What’s the Difference Between Believing in Santa Claus versus Believing in the Power of Gratitude?

What’s the difference between believing in Santa Claus versus believing in the power of gratitude?  On one level, you could say there’s essentially no difference. Both constitute a belief in something highly subjective that produces positive emotions such as wonder, awe and excitement. Believing in Santa Claus can motivate you to be a good person and so can a gratitude practice. Both of them require your faith and in return, have the potential to be deeply meaningful. But wait, there’s

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Jeremy Walker

Empowered Relationships: Understanding the Tyrant and the Doormat

I stumbled into my own personal discovery of a tool called polarity mapping during the certified coach training program at Newfield Network. One of our assignments instructed us to reflect on the ways in which we personally get challenged when it comes to making and responding to requests. A request is what we say when we are hoping to get others to commit. It could be anything from “will you pass the salt?” to “will you marry me?”. A healthy request is

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Jeremy Walker

How Ontological Coaching Animates the Hero’s Journey

Ontological coaching can be one of the most powerful tools to help us become more aware of the vast beauty and complexity of life beyond the labels we assign to it. It is only with this fresh awareness and a direct, present sense of the unfolding mystery of life that we are able to navigate our hero’s journey, learning to appreciate things as they really are and discovering what actions we can take to achieve breakthrough results, bring order to

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Jeremy Walker

My Career Journey as a Process of Values Discovery: Part 2

This post is a continuation of a personal story that began with My Career Journey as a Process of Values Discovery: Part 1. If you haven’t already, start reading there. After ten years of making sports games with the company that had once been my personal utopia, I finally left to join a small startup company in Vancouver. I wasn’t the only one seeking greener pastures, as evident by the many video game startups that began to appear in Vancouver around

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Jeremy Walker

My Career Journey as a Process of Values Discovery: Part 1

I can remember when I was fifteen years old and I had just started to think more seriously about my future career. The menu of career options presented to me by the status quo didn’t interest me at all, and getting good grades in school required motivation. I could relate to some of my friends whose response seemed to be “screw it, I don’t need this crap, I’d rather just have fun”. And that’s what some of them did, understandably.

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