Coaching Tools
The best tools for you are the ones that effectively catalyze a shift in your way of being. It’s going to be different for each person and sometimes we must invent a new tool on the spot! Here are a few that I am experienced with:

Ontological Coaching
As an ontological coach, I work with techniques to help you become a better observer of yourself in the realms of body, emotion and language. Once we are able to see how our attitude and behavior arises from old stories we carry about ourselves and the world, from persistent moods that color our perception, and from unconscious patterns in how we inhabit our body, we can gradually begin to loosen the grip that these elements have over our sense of reality.
Through practices that include the linguistic, emotional, and somatic dimensions, we can learn to self-author a new coherence of being that when practiced consistently, leads to deep transformation, lasting freedom from limiting beliefs, and endless new possibilities in our lives. For more information with examples, see this introduction to the OAR and BEL models of ontological coaching.
I completed my certified coach training with Julio Olalla at Newfield Network, a world class ontological coach training program based in the USA and Latin America. For a taste of of what Newfield Network’s program is based on, check out Julio Olalla’s TED talk.
For more on the topic of ontological coaching, see related posts:
A polarity is any pair interdependent values, strengths, or motivational drives which are both needed over time in order to sustain a healthy, well functioning system. Both poles of a polarity have their upsides (+) and downsides(-), creating a natural tension between the two poles such that they balance each other out over time. Examples of polarities can be found everywhere: Freedom and Reponsibility, Humility and Confidence, Justice and Mercy, Planned and Spontaneous, to name a few.
Polarity mapping can give us a new way of seeing our struggles, helping us to recognize the fears based on either-or thinking that unconsciously keep us trapped in vicious cycles. As we learn how to apply the wisdom of both-and thinking, we can transform our vicious cycles into virtuous, self-sustaining systems.
After discovering the power that polarity thinking had in transforming my own life in 2019-2020, I went on to obtain my certification in PACT™ Foundations & Professional Applications with Polarity Partnerships. I have witnessed countless clients gain powerful new insights and wisdom through following the steps of creating a Polarity Map® together and unpacking it by following the SMART process: Seeing, Mapping, Assessing, Learning, Leveraging.
For organizations and teams, I offer the Polarity Assessment™, which provides a comprehensive indicator of how well you are leveraging the polarities that are key to your success and provides a reliable way of quickly identifying the action steps needed to restore balance and take your results to the next level.
For more on the topic of polarities, see related posts:

Polarity Map® is a registered trademark of Barry Johnson & Polarity
Partnerships, LLC. Commercial use encouraged with permission.

Relationship as Dojo
Compassionate Mindful Awareness

Integral Theory
Shadow Work